RS Surya Medika
Visi RS Surya Medika adalah :
“ Menjadikan rumah sakit yang memberikan pelayanan prima dengan berorientasi pada kebutuhan pelanggan”
Misi RS Surya Medika adalah :
Memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu melalui :
a. Tanggung jawab profesional
b. Tanggung jawab Kompetensi
c. Tanggung jawab Mora
Motto RS Surya Medika
“ Ramah dan peduli ”
Dr. Orion is the best!
Today was the first time we visited the dentist. Everyone was very kind and helpful and the office was just beautiful.
The Simons Family
A Wonderful expirience
My daughter is not afraid of the dentist anymore and her teeth are healthy and look absolutely beautiful!
Sandra White
Happy healthy smiles!
I am so happy I chose Dentalia. Both of my kids enjoy their checkups and have healthy smiles. I can't thank you enough!
Matthew Cruise
Bright New Beginnings
Fusce eget ex eget nulla vestibulum pretium vitae non enim. Pellentesque fringilla lacinia mattis. Praesent eget diam id magna scelerisque egestas in quis justo.
2 New Office Locations
Fusce eget ex eget nulla vestibulum pretium vitae non enim. Pellentesque fringilla lacinia mattis. Praesent eget diam id magna scelerisque egestas in quis justo.
Dentist of the year
Fusce eget ex eget nulla vestibulum pretium vitae non enim. Pellentesque fringilla lacinia mattis. Praesent eget diam id magna scelerisque egestas in quis justo.
Featured in Dental magazine
Fusce eget ex eget nulla vestibulum pretium vitae non enim. Pellentesque fringilla lacinia mattis. Praesent eget diam id magna scelerisque egestas in quis justo.